Legal Notice

                            Legal Notice

21 Route de Férolles
77170 Brie Comte Robert


Tel : 00 33 7 68 24 91 60

Legal Notice

SIRET: 85216252800016
VAT Number : FR22852162528
SARL with capital of 5000 €

Personal data and cookies

Personal data
In the context of the use of the site contact form, the Publisher may collect the following data concerning its Users such as name, first name, full contact details.Your data is not the subject of any communication to third parties. You are however informed that they may be disclosed in application of a law, a regulation or by virtue of a decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.
The personal data collected will only be used for commercial purposes of processing requests, orders and monitoring of the commercial relationship.
Consultation of the Site does not require registration or prior identification. It can be carried out without your communicating any personal data concerning you (surname, first name, address, etc.). We do not record any personal data for the simple consultation of the Site.
We do not collect or store any technical data from your device (IP address, Internet service provider, etc.).
We do not store any personal data beyond your duration of connection to the service for the purposes described in these Terms.
You can access your data, correct it, request its erasure or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data.
Visit for more information on your rights.

In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the maximum duration of storage of cookies is a maximum of 13 months after their first deposit in the User's terminal, as is the duration of the validity of the User's consent to the use of these cookies. The lifetime of cookies is not extended with each visit. The consent of the User must therefore be renewed at the end of this period.Cookies can be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimize the services rendered to the User, from the processing of information concerning the frequency of access, the personalization of the pages as well as the operations carried out and the information consulted. You are informed that the Publisher may place cookies on your terminal. The cookie records information relating to navigation on the service (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that we will be able to read during your subsequent visits.We do not use cookies. If we were to use them in the future, you would be informed in advance and would be able to deactivate these cookies.

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